When I was invited by WGroup CEO, Walter
Cavalheiro Filho, to be part of a team of professionals with huge experience in
the many areas of the organization of an event that would take more than 75,000
people to Arena Anhembi, I knew that would be a historic challenge for all. For
the company, for the sponsors and supporters, for the city of São Paulo and
logically also for my own career.
From my first day as the São Paulo Oktoberfest
Communication Manager, we had but just four months to establish another strong
embrace of the German culture in the population of São Paulo.
According to the
Brazil-Germany Chamber, São Paulo is the international city with the largest
number of companies of German origin in the world. In Brazil, they account for
approximately 10% of the country's industrial GDP. German participation in the
technological and economic development of Brazil, and especially in São Paulo,
is therefore not a small thing. It's absolutely gigantic. Therefore, in addition to all industrial
cooperation, São Paulo also deserved a great cultural feast in the most
Germanic style of all. That's what the event's organizers had in mind: a
Brazilian entrepreneur, Walter, and a German top executive, Philipp Schiemer, CEO
in Brazil of one of the most prestigious brands of the planet, Mercedes-Benz,
who would also become the ambassador of the great party.
This story,
this entrepreneurship, in short, this great party, in times of crisis in
Brazil, needed to be well told, well reported and shared. We needed to make it
clear that the German party was not just a great meeting where young people would
meet to drink and shake the whole place. Like the traditional 200-year-old
Munich party, it should be an event to welcome the whole family with safety, entertainment
and harmony. This was my big challenge as a communications manager. In this
pioneer edition, I knew I would not have a second chance to make a great first
impression. Due to the short period of time, the vast majority of potentially
sponsoring companies was already, in May, with their 2017 budget compromised.
The event
would then be fully supported by private initiative and the volume of tickets.
The party also had the fundamental institutional support of the Mayor of São
Paulo João Doria, who valued very much the initiative that brought another
great event to the city of many events. Very productive meetings with City Hall
departments came to contribute decisively to the success of the event, such as
special transport lines to facilitate public access to the event.
In addition
to all the communication efforts that were already being made, I spoke with
renowned journalist Cleide Silva, from the newspaper O Estado de São Paulo. She
saw in this initiative an example of entrepreneurship that deserved to be
shared with her readers. On August 28, exactly one month before the avant
premiere of the event, we had the first major and comprehensive story published
in the media. In almost a whole page story entitled Companies create an Oktoberfest for São Paulo, with a photo of the two
main organizers dressed in typical German costumes, the journalist wrote about the
initiative and the concept that would transform São Paulo Oktoberfest into one
of the biggest events in the city, after the Carnival and the Motor Show.
Soon after,
I went to meet Cleber Cândido, head of journalism production at TV Globo de São
Paulo, to whom I presented the whole concept of the party. In a very gentle
way, he listened and was very impressed by the size of the event. TV Globo,
official party media, would decisively bring Sao Paulo Oktoberfest to the eyes
and ears of thousands of families from all over the country. It was a great
show of images and journalistic coverage.
São Paulo
Oktoberfest's social media updated daily information on musical attractions,
gastronomy, beverage labels, entertainment, supporters, tickets and mobility.
The mascots, the jaguar Munica and the sloth Sampeca, circulated in the capital
divulging the celebration. They gained the attention of the population and also
space in social media. The royalty of the party was also winning the affection
of the public. It was formed by a brunette Queen, a blonde Princess and another
black Princess, valuing the concept of diversity represented in the slogan: Where the world meets and the city mingles.
The gates
of the Anhembi Arena were opened on September 28th for the avant première of
the big party, with the presence of authorities, sponsors, supporters and journalists.
On that occasion, Mayor João Doria highlighted the creation of more than 1,200
direct and indirect jobs generated by the initiative. In their social media,
more than positive messages about the party would exceed 480,000 views. The
event was officially launched.
During all
eight days of celebration, which began on September 29th, it was common to see
up to three generations of families sitting at long tables savoring typical
German dishes, rising to dance to the sound of lively music from that country,
and experimenting with the most varied beverage labels that also followed the
German recipe. Children, young people and the elderly also had fun at BierPark,
the amusement park that was also part of the party.
specific app of the event put the whole program of the party in the hands of
the public, facilitated the purchase of tickets and even served to the public
to evaluate the drinks offered during the party. Press releases were also
available with photos in the app press space. We also had specific times for
OnLive during the liveliest moments of the party.
In total,
in addition to a varied agenda of musics, more than 16 tons of typical dishes
were consumed inside the Biertent. Outside of the tent, more than 10 tons of
food were also consumed. Over 110,000 liters of beverages were consumed as
well. The public of São Paulo took their education to the party. Therefore,
there was no record of serious incidents that compromised the festive and
family spirit of the first Sao Paulo Oktoberfest. This was the mood desired by
the organization, which even the rains that fell in a few days could change.
Germany thus gave a long embrace to the paulistano people.
Ah, in
terms of communication, we had a great result in the media and social media,
thanks to an integrated strength with the partnership with the Communication agency
Loures, with the support of TAG Comunicação. All major
television newscasts highlighted the
event’s program. There was a lot of positive reports on websites, radios,
social media and influencers who praised the creation, concept, organization and
attractions of the first big German party in the city. São Paulo Oktoberfest has
thus definitely entered into the official calendar of São Paulo until 2020.
Based on the excellent experience of this first edition, we have no doubt that
the 2018 event will be even better and bigger.
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